Saturday 15 August 2015

How Many is Lots?

When we're talking procedurally generated, lots. In the case of No Man's Land from Hello Games, it's 18 Quintillion!

18,446,744,073,709,551,616 to be precise and we may as well be precise if we are going to this level of detail. The number, is 2 to the power 64, which is 64 bits. It has been estimated that it would take nigh on 585 billion years to visit each one. Now that's what I call a game with replay value.

I have been following the game's genesis from its first mentions in the press and things have lately been given a boost; The Guardian, Edge, PC Gamer, Venture Capital Post?! What really peaked my interest though was this - No Man's Land released in August 2015!

The PC version it seems is still destined for 2016 and if the PS4 version does land early, it's going to be expensive. Still, with 585 Billion years worth of planets to visit, the sooner you start, the sooner you finish :-)

No Man's Sky - Hello Games

Oh, did I mention, it's got dinosaurs in it too!


1 comment:

  1. Mind blowing!!
    My brain has just exploded - can't cope past one million!!!
